Kozan Kyudojo is a Not for Profit organization.
The entirety of monthly membership fees go towards rent, equipment, and visiting teacher costs.
Classes are held every 2 weeks, with occasional exceptions due to holidays.
P a y m e n t O p t i o n s
New students must enrol in a First Shot Program before they can become regular members.
Full Time Practitioners have a connection to Kyudo and to the Kozan group, and attend classes on a regular basis. There are exceptions for someone who comes in from out of town, travels for work, etc.
Generosity policy applies. For any financial questions, don’t be shy to reach out.
Quarterly Payments
$110 x 4
This is the easiest payment schedule for some, but more per class
Bi-Annual Payments Membership
$200 x 2
Paying twice a year.
Less per class and less admin on our end, this is our preferred method.
Sustaining Members & Donations
Sustaining member and donations are always welcome.
A sustaining member has a connection to Kyudo and to the Kozan group, and wants to continue support, although unable to practice for a period of time. This may include people who wish to donate to Kozan.
“The ultimate goal of kyudo is to polish your mind. It is the same with zazen. You are not polishing your style of shooting, but the mind. The dignity of shooting is the important point. Without the right mind, no matter how long you shoot, this dignity won't be gained. ”
— Kanjuro Shibata XX, Sendai